I need to report a change in my income for food stamp assistance.

Q) I need to report a change in my income for food stamp assistance I wasn’t sure how to do it

A) I understand that you need to report a change in your income for food stamp assistance. Here are the steps on how to do it:

  1. Find your local SNAP office. You can do this by visiting the USDA website or by calling 1-800-221-9364.
  2. Call your local SNAP office and speak to a representative.
  3. Provide the representative with your name, address, and Social Security number.
  4. Let the representative know that you need to report a change in your income.
  5. Answer the representative’s questions about your new income.
  6. The representative will update your case and let you know if your benefits will change.

It is important to report any changes in your income to your SNAP office as soon as possible. If you do not report a change in your income, you may be overpaid for benefits. You may be required to repay any overpayments.

You may report changes to your income by calling your State DFCS Call Center. You only have to report a change to your income when your total gross monthly income exceeds 130% of the federal poverty level for your household size

SNAP Benefits by Household Size
Household SizeMaximum Monthly Benefit,
Fiscal Year 2022
Estimated Average Monthly Benefit, Fiscal Year 2022*