I signed up for food stamps the same time a friend did. He got his 2wks later. I called an they said its a 30 day app.
Q) I signed up for food stamps the same time a friend did. He got his 2wks later. I called an they said its a 30 day app. I have about $150 left out of my check, if i didn’t need them i would have signed up. I have about $150 left when i pay bills. I aske to talk 2 the supervisor an the lady got smart. The supervisor was supposed 2 call me back an didn’t, big surprise there.
From the day is signed up its been about 22 days. Its never took this long 2 get stamps. What r they doing there!!! Not what their supposed 2. Heck my case worker isn’t even the 1 calling me back. Why call someone back if u don’t no what’s going on wit their case an u cant tell them nothing!!
A) I understand that you are frustrated with the delay in processing your food stamp application. It is unfortunate that your friend received his benefits sooner than you, and that you have not been able to get in touch with your caseworker.
There are a few things that you can do to try to speed up the process:
- Call your local food stamp office again. Be persistent and ask to speak to a supervisor.
- Visit your local food stamp office in person. This may be a better way to get in touch with someone who can help you.
- Contact your state’s food stamp agency. They may be able to give you more information about the processing time for your application.
I hope this helps!