Based off of my last 2 paychecks, I exceed the gross income by about $70, Do I still qualify?
A) SNAP eligibility is determined by a combination of factors, including income, household size, and expenses. The income limit for SNAP varies by state and household size, so it is important to check the income guidelines for your state.
If your income exceeds the gross income limit by $70, it is possible that you may not qualify for SNAP benefits. However, it is also important to consider deductions and expenses that may be taken into account when determining eligibility. For example, certain expenses such as rent, utilities, and child care may be subtracted from your income, which may bring you within the income limit for SNAP.
To determine your eligibility for SNAP, you will need to complete an application and provide information about your income, household size, and expenses. It is recommended that you contact your local SNAP office for more information about eligibility requirements and to assist you with the application process.
In order to qualify households may have $2,250 in countable resources, such as a bank account, or $3,250 in countable resources if at least one person is age 60 or older, or is disabled. However, certain resources are NOT counted, such as a home and lot, the resources of people who receive Supplemental Security Income (SSI), the resources of people who receive Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), and most retirement (pension) plans.
The procedures for handling vehicles are determined at the state level. States have the option of substituting the vehicle rules used in their TANF assistance programs for SNAP vehicle rules when it results in a lower attribution of household assets. A number of States exclude the entire value of the household’s primary vehicle as an asset. In States that count the value of vehicles, the fair market value of each licensed vehicle that is not excluded is evaluated. Currently 32 State agencies exclude the value of all vehicles entirely. 21 State agencies totally exclude the value of at least one vehicle per household. The 2 remaining states exempt an amount higher than the SNAP’s standard auto exemption (currently set at $4,650) from the fair market value to determine the countable resource value of a vehicle. For more information concerning State specific vehicle policy, check with the State agency that administers the SNAP program.
For most states you are able to log on the your social service benefits website and check the status of your application for food stamp. Of you are unable to access your application status online please call or visit your local social service benefit office.