Tell Us Your Experience At Your Local Food Stamp Office
June 15, 2017
Tell us Your Experience at Your Local Food Stamp Office in the Comments Section below.
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I had my recertification a month ago. I’ve had all my papers in since May 23rd. Ive called EVERY week to make sure they got my paper work bc you guys lose shit. I was told many times that yes you guys have everything. I called this week bc its been almost a month since i sent in my papers and still no one has sent them through. I get the same answer each time they go through them in the order they come in. Its NEVER TAKEN THIS LONG. I finally get some one to send them through. Why I call today and magically you guys claim to not have one of the papers! Which is a fucking lie! So either you guys train your ppl to lie or you purposely making up excuses as to why Im not getting them. I called multiple times just so this wouldn’t happen. I know for a fact all my papers went through. I need to know who I can contact that can really do something. This system is so messed up!I’m close to calling the news on your department. Its ridiculous. Trust if we didn’t need the program we wouldn’t be applying..