Tell Us Your Experience At Your Local Food Stamp Office
June 15, 2017
Tell us Your Experience at Your Local Food Stamp Office in the Comments Section below.
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Would someone call me back concerning problems I am having with my local SNAP office. Not responding back to my request I have put in writing which I had faxed, hand delivered and mailed to that office on June 03, 2019.
Requesting why my monthly benefits were reduced from $194.00 down to $37.00. I also spoke to someone in that office on the phone and they said they could tell me only verbal, not in writing, this is why I put this request in writing myself.
How can I dispute or ask for a fair hearing if I do not know the why’s?
This way I could get help to get the information to rectify this problem and dispute it the proper way.
James R***** 40 S****n H***l Drive O*****d, NJ 0***6 (201) 3**-***62.