I was released from prison can I get food stamp, or any other assistance?
A) Yes, you may be eligible for food stamp assistance (also known as SNAP) and other forms of assistance after being released from prison. Eligibility for food stamp benefits is determined based on income and certain other factors, and having a criminal record alone does not disqualify you from receiving benefits. You can apply for food stamp benefits online or in person at your local SNAP office. Additionally, you may be eligible for other forms of assistance, such as housing assistance, job training programs, and healthcare benefits. It’s recommended to contact your local Department of Social Services or similar agency for more information on the programs available to you.
You can qualify for food stamps – Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) and other assistance after being released from prison. Whether you are convicted or not and are incarcerated or released from incarceration, you can always sign up for your state’s Food Stamp and other social service programs. Please visit your local state social service office and apply for assistance.
Some states do restrict felons of certain crimes from receiving food stamps. Eighteen states have completely abandoned the federal prohibition on drug offenders receiving Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits, or food stamps. Twenty-six other states have partly eased those restrictions, often by providing the benefits only if the recipient complies with parole, does not commit a second offense, enrolls in treatment, etc. At least three more states — Georgia, Nebraska, and Indiana — are now considering similar reforms. Source: https://www.themarshallproject.org/2016/02/04/six-states-where-felons-can-t-get-food-stamps
Felons are eligible to get any type of health insurance including Medicaid, Medicare and private health insurance after being released from prison.